Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm B-a-a-a-c-k!

I thought I'd post a couple pictures to show that I'm no longer a bean pole. Man, I sure was skinny!!!


  1. What a great looking family!!

    Love ya-
    The Steigerwalds

  2. Bert - I have never commented, but have followed your blog for a long time. You have a talent - humor, insight, compassion, silliness, honesty and courage - all rolled into one. And damn, you are even handsome without hair! (A few lucky people have this beauty.) Anyway thanks and best wishes

    Wendy (breast cancer survivor)

  3. I can't get over how totally crappy you looked when you had lost all that weight.

    Did you know that if you shaved the goatee, you could pass as Uncle Fester? Do me a favor and pop a lightbulb in your mouth and snap a quick picture.
