One of the many gifts revealed to me in my cancer diagnosis was realizing my commitment to be a Life Coach. And it wasn't long after that I realized I would coach people with cancer, be that person the one with the diagnosis or someone whose loved one has been diagnosed. Daniela felt the pull as well and, as you know, she was certified while I was still undergoing treatment and together we created Insight Coaching. I have since been training to be a certified Life Coach and I LOVE it. It's a privilege to be able to pay forward the support I received from so many when I needed it.
Yes, Insight Coaching is a business, yet we offer a complimentary sample session to anyone who requests it and has not worked with us before. My commitment is that each person I work with experience their diagnosis with purpose, grace & ease. I am clear that just one conversation will make a difference in the life of a person willing to be coached and I invite you to accept my offer of a sample session and use it to your benefit with no strings attached and feel no obligation to be a client. I want to give back and it moves me to be a contribution in the lives of others.
Our url is http://www.InsightCoaching.US