This is where I have to remind myself that my choice to not do the surgery and keep my body in tact, puts me in a situation distinct from some of my fellow Gerson patients. I could have had the tumor removed and a permanent colostomy put in place. The Gerson Therapy would then be done in lieu of chemotherapy and radiation and I would likely be well on my way and in great shape (assuming no complications with surgery). Others I met at Bajanutricare were able to choose that route with little impact on the overall functioning of their bodies. My path requires much more patience rest and patience.
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Path I Have Chosen
This is where I have to remind myself that my choice to not do the surgery and keep my body in tact, puts me in a situation distinct from some of my fellow Gerson patients. I could have had the tumor removed and a permanent colostomy put in place. The Gerson Therapy would then be done in lieu of chemotherapy and radiation and I would likely be well on my way and in great shape (assuming no complications with surgery). Others I met at Bajanutricare were able to choose that route with little impact on the overall functioning of their bodies. My path requires much more patience rest and patience.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Steadily Progressing Forward
I am feeling much better today. I am sleeping and relaxing throughout the day thus allowing my body to get the rest and lack of movement it needs. Although this return to bedrest initially felt like I was taking a few steps backward, I am clear this is a temporary setback. I recalled this evening how it was only a couple of months ago that I could not pick up a gallon of water without being in pain - that is no longer the case. I have also had other changes in my body (of which I will spare you the details) that are clear signs to me that I am steadily progressing forward. Good things.
Where's the Beef?
This message posted by Howard Straus (the son of Charlotte Gerson) on a Gerson Therapy list serve for which he is the monitor. This is why Gerson Therapy provides sufficient protein (along with two tablespoons of flax seed oil and a small serving of fat-free yogurt every day):
Potatoes, and ALL other vegetables have plenty of protein, many of them have more protein per calorie than meat (because meat is so high in fat). Spinach derives about 50% of its calories from protein, as opposed to less than 1/3 for most animal based foods.
If you satisfy your caloric needs from a variety of vegetables (not fruit), you cannot avoid getting enough protein. This is "except for sweet potatoes and yams." Consider the parts of Earth where these two are the staples: they are also the same places where protein deficiency disease (kwashiorkor) occurs most often.
Potatoes, and ALL other vegetables have plenty of protein, many of them have more protein per calorie than meat (because meat is so high in fat). Spinach derives about 50% of its calories from protein, as opposed to less than 1/3 for most animal based foods.
If you satisfy your caloric needs from a variety of vegetables (not fruit), you cannot avoid getting enough protein. This is "except for sweet potatoes and yams." Consider the parts of Earth where these two are the staples: they are also the same places where protein deficiency disease (kwashiorkor) occurs most often.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Go Back From Whence You Came

Just as I thought I had succeeded in the practice of "letting go," I am right back at it. Letting go of my desire to do simple things around the house or walk 30 steps up the road and breath in the sweet Autumn air. I guess I have not succeeded in the practice of "letting go" if I am hoping that I no longer have to do it!!! That would be the practice of "holding out." No to mention that a practice is a practice, not a task.
And that has really brought up what is there for me with this therapy. I have a strong desire for this bedrest part to be over. I want normalcy again. And that being said, I am clear about my commitment to healing however it has to be. So, I'll put my feet back up and I will do this with joy and ease. (It doesn't hurt to have an incredible family and friends who support me all the way. Thanks a million - I love you!)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Coffee anyone?

Saturday, October 20, 2007
I Vote "No"
Yesterday and this evening (halfway through dinner) at 6:30 PM, I had a one heck of a detox flare-up. It was the same thing both nights: I was seriously lethargic and my body ached from head to toe - muscles & joints. What stood out from other similar flare-ups was the tension in my back muscles. I also had very little appetite. Now, keep in mind, this is a good thing. My body is getting cleaned out. And I am most definitely feeling it.
I only felt relief after my 7 PM coffee break. Who would have guessed that coffee enemas would provide such extraordinary results???
I'll let you know if the flare-up happens again tomorrow. I'm putting in a vote for no.
I only felt relief after my 7 PM coffee break. Who would have guessed that coffee enemas would provide such extraordinary results???
I'll let you know if the flare-up happens again tomorrow. I'm putting in a vote for no.
On My Way

The other other big change is that my leg pain has been pretty consistent lately. On Thursday evening, Daniela probably spent about a half-an-hour rubbing my legs and feet - which was a great relief (She's good to me).
I must admit, the days I have been pain free have definitely spoiled me.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Article in The Citizen (Auburn, NY)
Last week, David Wilcox came out to the house to do a follow-up article on my use of the Gerson Therapy. Today the Auburn Citizen printed it. It was a great article. Click here if you would like to have a look at it.
pomp & circumstance
The on-gpoing soreness has changed in sensation and it seems I may be dealing with a little prostitis, for which I'm taking an antibiotic. Dr. Cervantes has also recommended I take two different herbal rememdies - Saw Palmetto and something he called Pygeum Africanum. He also recommended that I take probiotics after I am done with the antibiotics. Yes, these are things I have heard of (except for the Beechum Africana), but I have to say, I love that my MD is recommending which herbs to use. That's not common in my world.
The last two nights I woke up around 3 AM in too much pain to sleep. So, I came downstairs, applied an ice pack, popped in a DVD (reading takes too much out of me when I'm in pain) and watched half a movie to which I fell asleep. Right now as I'm typing, I'm shifting around trying to find different sitting/laying positions that will result in less pain. Although I'm having no luck. My legs still ache every day - on & off - and earlier I felt nauseous for a couple of hours. To tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to the end of all this pomp & circumstance so I can just do my therapy and be free of all of these detox flare-ups which are supposed to end sometime soon. So how am I doing? I am really tired of being in pain. And...what are ya gonna do?
On another note, it has become down right odd being away from work for this long. Feelings of guilt occasionally slip in and then I think to myself, "Hmm. What ever inconveniences may exist as a result of my not being at the office, you can be certain your co-workers would choose that over having cancer." For the most part, I rarely remember what it feels like to know that someone else has cancer. Yes that probably sounds odd, but for me it has become so normalized, that I have to remember that my perspective was quite different when I was only a quiet outside observer of the world of cancer - knowing little and wanting to know less.
Occasionally, a thought will pop up as they have in the past, where I'll think, "Holy Christmas, I have cancer!" but those thoughts are honestly quite rare. What presences me to it more than anything else is when I hear of another's diagnosis. Most recently, I found out about a 5-year old boy in our community who was diagnosed with cancer - nine tumors found in his liver. My immediate response was tears. As Daniela spoke to his mother over the phone (for about 45 minutes), I must have sobbed three times, going back and forth from being broken hearted about this poor little fella to being at a complete loss about what his parents must be going through while they take care of their three-year old and a two month old. I have definitely become very sensitive to other people's "suffering" and I'm glad I have. Lately, I find myself to be quite present to how precious life is - this cancer has provided some beautiful things.
The last two nights I woke up around 3 AM in too much pain to sleep. So, I came downstairs, applied an ice pack, popped in a DVD (reading takes too much out of me when I'm in pain) and watched half a movie to which I fell asleep. Right now as I'm typing, I'm shifting around trying to find different sitting/laying positions that will result in less pain. Although I'm having no luck. My legs still ache every day - on & off - and earlier I felt nauseous for a couple of hours. To tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to the end of all this pomp & circumstance so I can just do my therapy and be free of all of these detox flare-ups which are supposed to end sometime soon. So how am I doing? I am really tired of being in pain. And...what are ya gonna do?
On another note, it has become down right odd being away from work for this long. Feelings of guilt occasionally slip in and then I think to myself, "Hmm. What ever inconveniences may exist as a result of my not being at the office, you can be certain your co-workers would choose that over having cancer." For the most part, I rarely remember what it feels like to know that someone else has cancer. Yes that probably sounds odd, but for me it has become so normalized, that I have to remember that my perspective was quite different when I was only a quiet outside observer of the world of cancer - knowing little and wanting to know less.
Occasionally, a thought will pop up as they have in the past, where I'll think, "Holy Christmas, I have cancer!" but those thoughts are honestly quite rare. What presences me to it more than anything else is when I hear of another's diagnosis. Most recently, I found out about a 5-year old boy in our community who was diagnosed with cancer - nine tumors found in his liver. My immediate response was tears. As Daniela spoke to his mother over the phone (for about 45 minutes), I must have sobbed three times, going back and forth from being broken hearted about this poor little fella to being at a complete loss about what his parents must be going through while they take care of their three-year old and a two month old. I have definitely become very sensitive to other people's "suffering" and I'm glad I have. Lately, I find myself to be quite present to how precious life is - this cancer has provided some beautiful things.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I have not posted anything in almost a week. Fortunately, I have been doing well and didn't feel there was much to report. Okay, that's a lie. Actually, my butt has been killing me from hemorrhoids and I really didn't think you wanted to know! O-Kaaaaaaaay. Bert's talking about his hemorrhoids... Bert have you ever heard of an OVERSHARE??? Well, you needn't worry. I will not be including any pictures of the said problem on this post (or any future posts for that matter). So, my butt has been killing me and I'm feeling significantly better with the use of my friend I love to hate - my donut pillow, homeopathic pain management, and for this week, two coffee breaks a day instead of three. I also have a new found place in my heart for anyone suffering from a serious case of 'roids. Dear God - this stuff can hurt! I had NO idea.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Breaking Out of the Shell...I Hope

And since I've been feeling better, I wrote a song the other day. Then today I worked on it with a friend and he added his input. It felt great to collaborate on some music. I'm breaking out of the (bed rest) shell. At least for a minute...
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Latest Healing Reactions

Two nights ago, I woke up at 4:20 AM with abdominal pain. I went down stairs so to not wake up Beau and then it really hit me. Pain. Dull but intense pain that felt like a spoon (with no regard for my feelings!) was forcibly trying to find its way out of the right side of the front of my ribcage, then slowly easing its way to the middle of my body only to find its way out the back of the back of my ribcage, while of course still trying to find its way out the front. Needless to say, it was extremely painful. It lasted for about an hour then away its went. What I haven't said is this is the second time this happened in just a few weeks. To answer your question, YES, I called the good doctor in Mexico and asked him what (the hell) was going on... For all I knew, this was my introduction to another new and exciting health problem. I definitely a little freaked out.
Dr. Cervantes said it was a completely normal healing reaction. He said I was passing something, very likely, out of my liver. Believe it or not, it was very reassuring. Reassuring because I could be at ease and know that it was directly related to the therapy. Not exactly something I'm looking forward to, but at least I know it's just part of the process. And knowing that will make it a little more tolerable next time...if there's a next time. Though if I have any say, I suppose I'll pass and opt for something more along the lines of lethargy.
Enema Excerpt from "Healing the Gerson Way"
In my October 2, 2007 entry, I mentioned the fact that enemas are not a cultural norm around these parts. Well, I found this excerpt from Charlotte Gerson's book "Healing the Gerson Way" to be very interesting.
Generally speaking, any kind of enema introduces a substance into the rectum in order to empty the bowel, or to administer nutrients or drugs. It is a medical procedure of great antiquity: Hippocrates, the Greek “father of modern medicine” prescribed water enemas for several conditions some 2600 years ago. In India, enemas were recommended for inner cleansing by Patanjali, author of the first written work on yoga, in around 200 B.C. According to tradition, the ibis, a sacred bird of Ancient Egypt associated with wisdom, used to administer itself an enema with its long curved beak. It is only in recent times, and mainly in English-speaking countries, that this simple and safe cleansing method had fallen into disuse.
The use of coffee as enema material began in Germany towards the end of World War I. (1914-1918).The country was blockaded by the Allies, many essential goods—among them morphine—were not available, yet trainloads of wounded soldiers kept arriving at field hospitals, needing surgery. The surgeons had barely enough morphine to dull the pain of the operations, but none to help patients endure the post-surgical pain; all they could do was to order water enemas to be used. Although owing to the blockade coffee was in short supply, there was plenty of it around to help the surgeons stay awake during their long spells of duty. The nurses, desperate to ease their patients’ pain, began to pour some of the leftover coffee into the enema buckets, figuring that since it helped the surgeons (who drank it), the soldiers (who didn’t) would also benefit from it. And indeed the soldiers reported pain relief.
This accidental discovery came to the attention of two medical researchers, Professors Meyer and Huebner, at the University of Goettingen in Germany, who went on to test the effects of rectally infused caffeine on rats. They found that the caffeine, traveling via the hemorrhoidal vein and the portal system to the liver, opened up the bile ducts, allowing the liver to release accumulated toxins. This observation was confirmed seventy years later, in 1990 by Dr. Peter Lechner, oncologist surgeon at the District Hospital of Graz, Austria, after running a six-year controlled test on cancer patients following a slightly modified version of the Gerson Therapy. In his report, he quotes independent laboratory results, identifying the two components of coffee that play the major role in detoxifying the liver. (see Chapter 8, pg. 75)
Dr. Gerson became aware of the benefits of enemas early on in developing his treatment, and they have remained a cornerstone of his therapy to this day. It is important to realize that while the patient is holding the coffee enema in his or her colon for the suggested 12-15 minutes, the body’s entire blood supply passes through the liver every three minutes, i.e., 4-5 times in all, carrying poisons picked up from the tissues. These are then released through the bile ducts, due to the stimulation of the caffeine.
Generally speaking, any kind of enema introduces a substance into the rectum in order to empty the bowel, or to administer nutrients or drugs. It is a medical procedure of great antiquity: Hippocrates, the Greek “father of modern medicine” prescribed water enemas for several conditions some 2600 years ago. In India, enemas were recommended for inner cleansing by Patanjali, author of the first written work on yoga, in around 200 B.C. According to tradition, the ibis, a sacred bird of Ancient Egypt associated with wisdom, used to administer itself an enema with its long curved beak. It is only in recent times, and mainly in English-speaking countries, that this simple and safe cleansing method had fallen into disuse.
The use of coffee as enema material began in Germany towards the end of World War I. (1914-1918).The country was blockaded by the Allies, many essential goods—among them morphine—were not available, yet trainloads of wounded soldiers kept arriving at field hospitals, needing surgery. The surgeons had barely enough morphine to dull the pain of the operations, but none to help patients endure the post-surgical pain; all they could do was to order water enemas to be used. Although owing to the blockade coffee was in short supply, there was plenty of it around to help the surgeons stay awake during their long spells of duty. The nurses, desperate to ease their patients’ pain, began to pour some of the leftover coffee into the enema buckets, figuring that since it helped the surgeons (who drank it), the soldiers (who didn’t) would also benefit from it. And indeed the soldiers reported pain relief.
This accidental discovery came to the attention of two medical researchers, Professors Meyer and Huebner, at the University of Goettingen in Germany, who went on to test the effects of rectally infused caffeine on rats. They found that the caffeine, traveling via the hemorrhoidal vein and the portal system to the liver, opened up the bile ducts, allowing the liver to release accumulated toxins. This observation was confirmed seventy years later, in 1990 by Dr. Peter Lechner, oncologist surgeon at the District Hospital of Graz, Austria, after running a six-year controlled test on cancer patients following a slightly modified version of the Gerson Therapy. In his report, he quotes independent laboratory results, identifying the two components of coffee that play the major role in detoxifying the liver. (see Chapter 8, pg. 75)
Dr. Gerson became aware of the benefits of enemas early on in developing his treatment, and they have remained a cornerstone of his therapy to this day. It is important to realize that while the patient is holding the coffee enema in his or her colon for the suggested 12-15 minutes, the body’s entire blood supply passes through the liver every three minutes, i.e., 4-5 times in all, carrying poisons picked up from the tissues. These are then released through the bile ducts, due to the stimulation of the caffeine.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Top Ten Best Things About Gerson Therapy

#10 ?
#9 ?
#8 ?
#7 ?
#6 ?
#5 ?
#4 ?
#3 ?
#2 Gerson Therapy uses fresh juice
#1 Gerson Therapy Cures Cancer
Yeah. There's not much I like about Gerson Therapy outside of the amazing results people have using it to cure themselves of cancer. And that's a lot to like about something. leaves a lot to be desired.
It's a tough therapy. Extremely limited diet which has a huge impact on the patient; the patient is connected to a juicer from 8 AM to 7 PM; did I mention extremely limited diet?
Believe it or not the enema is not a big hurdle as it would seem. Granted, I have to stay focused when I do them - my detection system has a tumor on it, so it's not exactly fail proof - it can interfere with the process. And yes, enemas did take some serious getting used to. Let's be honest - coffee in the butt ain't exactly a cultural norm in these parts. But to tell you the truth, more often than not, if I'm not feeling well before I do an enema, I feel much better after I do. Yet, even with that being said, I still don't think I'm ready to include enemas on my Top Ten list. Actually, that would be my Top Three list...
In Other News...

So, what does this have to do with how I am doing? Well, today I randomly decided to search iTunes for my track for the fun of it...and found my song on the list of 36 choices for the song "Top Down"(popular song name - who knew?) I have to tell you, with all that is going on in my life right now, finding my song for sale on iTunes put one hell of a big smile on my face. I knew there was a CD for sale, but I never bothered to put two and two together and consider that it would be so easily accessible. Maybe I'm just a little behind the (digital) times, but it feels kind of cool for a small time musician like myself to have a song for sale on iTunes.
Right now my cheeks are getting a little sore because my smile won't go away... So check it out on iTunes or via this link to CD Baby.
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