Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Today we had a power outage for a few hours and boy did that put the breaks on everything: the juicer, the water distiller, the pump for the well! A simple loss of power can cause big upset. Only days before I was asking my friend Sue what kind of generator we should buy in case of a power outage. During our conversation she kindly offered the use of her generator. As you can imagine, we were on the phone with Sue this afternoon. Just as the power came on, Sue called to confirm that we still needed the generator. Well, we agreed we didn't need it at the house ASAP and she promised to get it out here sooner than later. And I'll gladly take this short power outage as a sign to have a generator here soon.

As far as my detox flare-ups, today was a tough one. My body ached for most of the day and I have had almost no energy. However, I am feeling a little better now.

1 comment:

  1. You say you are spacing out but I read vivid words! Keep them flowing. I copied all the blogs but not the comments. Do you want those archived also? Patty
