Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Chemotherapy Appointment At MSKCC

Earlier this morning I arrived at Memorial Sloan Ketttering Cancer Center and had a CT Scan. In just a few minutes, I'll have my blood drawn and then an appointment with my oncologist Dr. Kemeny. She'll review the blood work and a variety of liver enzyme counts, and then prescribe the chemo to be injected into my liver chemo pump. It will slowly "drip" chemo into my liver for two weeks. I've been told that 90% of the chemo will be filtered out before it ever leaves my liver and enters my blood stream, so the side effects will be negligible.

Two weeks from now in Ithaca at Cayuga Medical Center is where I'll receive Folfox, a systemic chemotherapy. This is the treatment I'm curious to return to. My body did not respond well to it in 2008-09. And perhaps things will be different this time. Dr. Kemeny says if I'm so sick that I'm laid out on my back for six-months, like I was last time, that the dose is too high and she'll lower it. Funny thing to think about. Do I want a lower dose? If I'm going to do chemo, I might as well dig in and do all I can. And, I will ask Dr. Kemeny about that during our appointment today.


  1. I'm thinking of you Bert. You are one generous, courageous Soul!


  2. good luck my brother.

  3. My heart beats alongside yours.

  4. You are a fighter.. and a great example <3
