So where am I now? Not even close to that. Is there a feeling of disappointment for me? Yes, there is. But I'm clear it's not based on the effectiveness of this therapy. It based on my expectation that the therapy would look a certain way or happen at a certain rate, specifically, not how it looks right now or the rate at which it's happening right now. So, my practice, as it has been from the beginning, is again letting go of my expectations of life looking or happening a certain way. When I step back and look at everything a little more objectively, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have this therapy available to me and to have Dr. Cervantes available to me to turn things around when I have problems like the pain I am currently managing and seemingly disappearing.
I would also like to say it's a privilege to have the support I have from so many of you each day. Daniela, the boys and I thank you for all you provide for us.
On another note, it feels like I've been far away from the blog lately and it gives me a good feeling to be writing and updating you again. We received a nice soft blanket of snow today along with the edges of the creek beginning freeze up a little. It's very pretty (especially from inside of our cozy little house - knowing I'm not going anywhere right now!)
Hi Bert! I flipped past Oprah the other day and saw a vibrant woman talking about living with cancer and tuned in to realize she is the maker of this documentary: http://www.crazysexycancer.com/ Her viewpoint on life and stand for alternative treatment was inspiring and I thought if you haven't already heard of this you might like to check it out.
Thanks for the info. I checked out her website and her documentary trailer which was very moving (found it on YouTube). I look forward to getting into communication with her to some degree or another. She's got a fantastic attitude and doesn't try to mask her sadness or anger. Very cool...