Monday, February 4, 2008

My Tests Are on the Way!

My PET scan and MRI are scheduled for this Friday - February 8th

I am very excited! What ever the outcome may be, I want to know for certain exactly how I am doing. Keep in mind that if I feel anything like I did the last time I had scans done, I will not post anything until the following day. Those scans require the individual to be filled with a nasty but necessary batch of poisons. Ooh Baby...


  1. Hi Robert! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are doing great! Be at peace...Liz

  2. OK, NOW is the right time to wish you the very best of luck with your tests on Friday! :) Thank you for sharing your experience in such informative posts. I think I can kind of relate to how your sigmoidoscopy felt... I had an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) a couple of years ago, and was really unprepared for the pain and discomfort. But you have a great, positive outlook and a wonderful support system, so I know you will handle any uncomfortable tests just fine!

  3. Hey man, I just thought of a great idea. You should videotape your sigmundfreudoscopy and post it so that we can all see exactly what it involves.

  4. Went to interview a client today. Her boyfrined sais she was at the doctor getting a colonoscopy. When she called me back, I tiold her that I would call her tomorrow because I did not want to be a pain in her rear today. Do you think that was inappropriate?
